Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Corbett Kills Braxton

Okay, so this one is actually an homage to ourselves.  It sounds narcissistic, but it's not.  You see it was in this very spot almost one decade ago that we filmed our first ever fight scene.  It was awful.  It was ugly.  It was unoriginal. But it was the catalyst that started off our careers.  So we revisited it to see what we could do there, 8 years later.  We started the fight the same way, with no story.  We ended the fight the same way, thrown into the tree.  But MAN ALIVE it's crazy what you can accomplish in 8 years.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hare Krishna

I've been sitting on this footage forever so I figured it was about time I sat down and threw something together.