Saturday, November 30, 2013

Summer 2013

Alright, so I know that I haven't blogged in a while.  I've let you guys down, both of you, the two of you who actually follow this blog.

Honestly, even though I haven't posted much, it's because I've been doing SOOO much!  The problem is that most of it I haven't been allowed to film.  See, this summer I've accomplished so many life dreams.  I got skydive certified.  Almost half the planes I've taken off in, I haven't come down with.  Buuttttt..... I can't film any jumps yet because I don't have enough logged (you need 200 before you can jump with a camera).  I've been working on set almost most days, which is a dream come true.  Doing stunts for a living has always been the goal.  But again, I need to sign non-disclosures promising I won't film anything I'm not involved in, or post any behind the scenes footage to social media.

So I promise, I'm not lazy.  I just don't want to get sued.

Still, it's been a good summer.  Here are some of the things I was allowed to film.

Braxton Kills Rob??

Wait a minute! Did I just win a fight?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Schtuff

We went to my buddy Kyle Hatch's house to kick off summer.  We did some stuff there.  Kyle filmed that stuff we did.  He made a video about it.  This is that video...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chris Kills Braxton

With an appreciation for Jackie Chan that borders obsession, all of my fight scenes have been HIGHLY influenced by him and that aesthetic.  We choreograph for very precise, pretty, flashy moves and love every second of it.  Getting a fight like that down on film is the best feeling in the world.  But alas... not every movie requires the super flashy martial arts choreography.  So it's branchin' out time.  Watch us branch.

Call it "gritty".  Call it "real", "raw", or "brutal".  I don't know what it is, but it's definitely different from our other schtuff!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hangin Out With Rob

I love my friends!  We do fun things together.  This is a video of us just jammin' on a Saturday morning.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Corbett Kills Braxton

Okay, so this one is actually an homage to ourselves.  It sounds narcissistic, but it's not.  You see it was in this very spot almost one decade ago that we filmed our first ever fight scene.  It was awful.  It was ugly.  It was unoriginal. But it was the catalyst that started off our careers.  So we revisited it to see what we could do there, 8 years later.  We started the fight the same way, with no story.  We ended the fight the same way, thrown into the tree.  But MAN ALIVE it's crazy what you can accomplish in 8 years.